Monday, November 14, 2011

The cookies are ready!

Happy Monday! So recently we have been working on aiming for more cv1cv2 word utterances.  For example, words like cookie, puppy, daddy, and mommy.  This is an articulation activity for cvc and cv1cv2 words. 
Brown paper
black marker
cookie sheet
cvc picture/or words

First, use the brown paper and cut out large circles.  Then glue the small target pictures or words onto the circles.  Later use the black marker to draw chocolate chips onto the brown cookies.  The client will have fun flipping the cookies with the spatula.  This may be fun if you are working on cv1cv2 words like cookie or just cvc words.  The client can be the baker and the clinician can ask "Baker whats on you cookie?" Then the client can flip the cookie and say the word.  It is a fun interactive way to keep the client motivated with a new way of simply showing pictures and saying words.
A special thanks to for the fun idea!

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-SP girl

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